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St Hild and College of St Hugh Launch Event

January 13 @ 09:30 17:00

St Hild College and the College of St Hugh would be delighted for you to join us for a day of events to celebrate our new partnership, culminating in the launch service in the Cathedral at 3pm. More details and an invitation video can be found here.

Please register here.

Time table of the day

9.45am: Refreshments (Edward King House)

10.30-11.15am: Workshops part 1 (Edward King House)

11.15am: Refreshments served (Edward King House)

11.30-12.15pm: Workshops part 2 (Edward King House)

10.30-12.15pm: Cathedral pilgrimage workshop (Cathedral)

1.30-2.30pm: A conversation with St Hild and St Hugh (Cathedral Chapter house)

3pm: Launch service for St Hild Lincoln (St. Hugh’s choir, Cathedral)

4.15pm: Tea, coffee and cake, and information fayre (Cathedral Chapter House)