The contact details for Diocesan members of staff can be found below by each department. If you are unsure of who to speak to, please call our friendly team on 01522 504050 or email us at

The Rt Revd Stephen Conway
Bishop of Lincoln
01522 504090
Bishop Stephen’s main responsibilities are:
- Chief Pastor
- Oversight and leadership of the Diocese of Lincoln

The Rt Revd Dr David Court
Bishop of Grimsby
01522 504090
Bishop David’s main responsibilities are:
- Pastoral Oversight of North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, West Lindsey, and East Lindsey Deanery Partnerships
- Strategic Oversight of Mission
- Lead of ‘Resourcing the Urban Church’

The Rt Revd Dr Nicholas Chamberlain
Bishop of Grantham
01522 504090
Bishop Nicholas’s main responsibilities are:
- Pastoral Oversight of Boston, Lincoln, North Kesteven, South Kesteven and South Holland (Elloes) Deanery Partnerships
- Strategic Oversight of Ministry
- Sponsoring Bishop
- Diversity and Inclusion Lead on Bishop’s Staff

The Revd Nick Nawrockyi
Senior Chaplain to the Bishop of Lincoln
01522 504090
Nick supports the Bishops in their day-to-day ministries and leadership of the Diocese, including matters of a pastoral, theological, liturgical and disciplinary nature. He manages the Bishops’ Office and its staff, and is a bridge and ambassador between the Bishops and the Diocese. Nick is also a resource for ministers and parishes and can be contacted with questions or for support.

Georgie Kirchen
Executive Assistant in the Bishops’ Office
Please be advised that Georgie is on maternity leave and her responsibilities have been distributed across the office team. Please contact Hayley regarding the Bishops’ diaries, Nick for appointments or resignations processes, and Isabel regarding any correspondence.
Diary and Correspondence
01522 504090
Georgie’s primary role is to manage the diaries for the Bishops of Lincoln, Grimsby and Grantham. She arranges meetings and events, liaises with church teams to organise services around the Diocese, and responds to invitations and requests for the Bishops’ time. She is also responsible for the administration of the Bishops’ correspondence, and works closely with the Clergy Appointments Officer during the processes of appointments and resignations.

Hayley Belcher
Executive Assistant in the Bishops’ Office
Operations and Finance
01522 504090
Hayley’s main responsibilities are providing the wide range of operational support for the Bishops’ Office, coordinating the Bishops’ hospitality, and overseeing the Bishops’ and the Office’s finances. She also has oversight and management responsibility for applications and processes for Permission to Officiate for clergy, clergy personal files, and records maintenance.

Alice Winslade
Administrative Assistant in the Bishops’ Office
01522 504090
Alice is responsible for providing a wide range of administrative support to the Bishops and their office staff. She works closely with Hayley on hospitality, records and filing work, manages applications for Permissions to Administer the elements of Communion, and can be contacted with general enquiries.

Isabel Bell
Administrator in the Bishops’ Office (Maternity cover)
01522 504090
Isabel provides the Bishops and the office team with a varying range of administrative support. She is responsible for the administration of the Bishops’ correspondence, works closely with Hayley on the processes for Permission to Officiate for clergy, and provides support work for the MDR programme.

Jo Paine
Administrator for the Archdeacons
01522 504039
Jo handles the diaries, correspondence and administration for the three archdeacons.

Andrew Holmes
Diocesan Secretary
01522 504032
Andrew is the secretary to the Bishop and looks after the strategy of the Diocese, as determined by the Bishop with his staff, the Chair of the DBF, Bishop’s Council and Diocesan Synod.

Helen Doyle
Deputy Diocesan Secretary
Helen works with the Diocesan Secretary and deputises for him when he is unavailable. She is responsible for governance and IT, and is also broadly responsible for overseeing the administration, communications, and HR functions of the board of finance. Helen’s governance role includes supporting the Bishop’s Council of Diocesan Trustees, Diocesan Synod (who are also members of the company) and the committee structure. She also advises on parochial and synodical governance, data protection, compliance and is the LDTBF’s Diversity Lead which includes acting as Racial Justice Officer.

Kay Clayton
Executive Administration Manager
01522 504032
Kay looks after the Diocesan Secretary’s Diary and appointments. She manages and implements several of the Diocesan Secretary’s projects and strategies, and is line-manager to Edward King House’s Parish Support staff.

Rachel Mclafferty
Strategic Programme Manager
Rachel is the programme lead for the Diocesan ‘Time to Change Together’ and ‘SDF Resourcing the Urban Church’ Programmes. She works with churches and projects across the region to support with strategic funding opportunities that support the mission of the church. Get in touch with Rachel if you’d like to explore new projects in your area that engage local communities and help the church to respond to local need.

Steven Tune
Communications Officer
07483 410259
Steven handles external communication between the public, parish and Diocese as a whole. Some of his duties include social media, press stories, website editing, brand maintenance and communications advice. If you have an event you would like to advertise, a story which may be of interest or a communications query, get in touch with him.

Chris Lynch
Net Zero Programme Manager (Consultant)
Chris, who is a consultant, provides a key oversight role in the delivery of the Diocese of Lincoln’s Net Zero Carbon targets and works with others to implement the Diocese of Lincoln’s Environmental Action Plan. Chris works with a range of stakeholders to provide data analysis, project management and expertise in Net Zero Carbon for historic and community buildings.

George Davies
Net Zero Carbon Programme Enabler
George is working to implement a route map to Net Zero Carbon within the Diocese of Lincoln, focusing on the reduction of energy footprints across all of its church and school buildings. If you have any questions about the Net Zero Carbon programme feel free to contact him.
For general Parish Support enquiries please email or call 01522 504050

Kay Clayton
Executive Administration Manager
Kay looks after the Diocesan Secretary’s Diary and appointments. She manages and implements several of the Diocesan Secretary’s projects and strategies, and is line-manager to Edward King House’s Parish Support staff.

Thomas Wilson
Executive Administrator
Contact me
Thomas is available to help with any enquiries, mission statistics, finance returns, online parish returns system, mapping, and takes minutes for various meetings. He also assists with administration for Time to Change Together.

Alice Maikuma
Administrator for the College of St Hugh
Alice takes responsibility for all administration relating to The College of St Hugh, focused on diocesan training, Mission and Ministry within the Diocese. Alice is also part of the central Parish Support Office administration team, and takes minutes for various committees.

Felicity Borkertas
Administrator for the Safeguarding Team
Felicity is responsible for all Safeguarding Team administration, including safeguarding training, DBS checks and the organisation of meetings and core groups.
For general Church Buildings enquiries please contact

Steven Sleight
DAC & Pastoral Secretary
01522 504069
Contact me
Steven leads the DAC, Church Building and Pastoral Team and is Secretary to the Diocesan Advisory Committee and the Pastoral Committees. If you are contemplating work to the church building, the contents or the churchyard, Steven will know which process to follow.

Pete Duff
Assistant DAC and Pastoral Secretary
01522 504045
Pete is the Assistant DAC and Pastoral Secretary. One of his main tasks is to compile the agenda for the DAC meetings. He would be more than happy to help you with the faculty process, and that of the Online Faculty System to ensure you get the permissions you need for the works that you are proposing. He also helps to arrange site visits. He assists with the AMPC’s by writing up the minutes from the meetings and actioning any decisions that comes from them.

Fran Bell
Church Development Officer
01522 504018
Fran can help parishes to open the church buildings as much as possible, to provide a warm welcome to all, and to help plan church projects for adaptions, installation of facilities, and visitor interpretation.

Dr Matthew Godfrey
Historic Churches Support Officer
01522 504048
Matthew can help with information, advice and support for parishes relating to the repair of church buildings including interpretation of quinquennial surveys, procurement of professionals and sourcing grant funding. He can also help with understanding the history and heritage of your church building.
For general Finance enquiries please contact or on 01522 452025

Gaylene Noble
Head of Finance
01522 452520
Gaylene manages the Finance Department, overseeing daily activities, financial planning, analysis and reporting. She works closely with the Diocesan Secretary to drive and improve financial performance and provides advice and support to the management team and Trustees. Along with the rest of the Finance Team, she is available to support parishes with their financial queries.

Paula Rowett
Finance Officer
Paula is responsible for the day-to-day works of the Finance Office, including invoices, expenses and payments. She also makes sure all banking transactions are up-to-date and deals with funerals, weddings and monuments. She also helps parishes claim their Gift Aid from HMRC and issues monthly statements for covenant pledge.

Ruth Stirland
Finance Officer
Ruth assists with the month end procedures and administers payroll.

Hugo Cobham
Generous Living Adviser
Hugo supports parishes with creating the best environment in which to encourage generosity. His work focuses particularly on good giving practice, through building trust with givers/potential givers, communicating the need for giving and the impact that it will have, and advising on the range of different mechanisms (ie. Contactless, online, Parish Giving Scheme, legacies) to make it easier for people to give to the church. Hugo is also your contact in relation to your parishes’ Covenant Pledge.

Andy Wright
Generous Living Adviser
Andy supports parishes and Local Mission Partnerships (LMPs) as they seek to develop generosity in all its forms, as an expression of our discipleship and in response to God’s generosity. His work focusses on a holistic approach to developing a culture of generosity, covering areas such as time, skills and talents, and hospitality, as well as money. Andy welcomes invitations to meet with clergy, parish officers, LMP leaders and anyone in a position to encourage generosity in their church.
For general Properties enquiries please contact

Andrew Drummond-Hunt
Diocesan Surveyor and Director of Property
01522 504041
Andrew has overall responsibility for the Clergy Housing and Glebe estates including procurement and oversight of agents, acquisitions, disposals, leasing, maintenance and capital works and forward planning. He is the committee officer for the Clergy Housing Committee, and the property parts of the Assets Committee. He provides property advice to parishes as requested, and undertakes property inspections.

Karen Pickles
Trust and Assets Accountant
01522 504086
Karen administers monetary and property trusts on behalf of parishes and oversees the legal work for property transactions. She is the committee officer for the Trusts Committee. She provides advice on trusts to parishes as requested, and is the custodian of the diocese’ title deeds.

Annie Gash
Properties Officer
01522 504044
Annie is the “first point of call” for housing repairs, and liaises with clergy to assist with moves into and out of clergy houses. She arranges marketing of vacant houses for letting through retained agents.

Diane Goulden
Properties Technician
01522 504040
Diane organises property condition checks and visits for maintenance enquiries. She organises works for planned repairs and general maintenance

Emma Camm
Clergy Appointments & Properties Officer
01522 504060
Emma is the diocesan coordinator for clergy appointments. She deals, from start to finish, with the parish vacancy process, coordinating advertising, interviews, and, under the guidance of the Properties Manager and Archdeacons, housing for incumbents.
For general enquiries please contact

The Revd Canon Dr Hugh Jones
Warden of the College of St Hugh
Hugh has responsibility for drawing together all activities in the College into a coherent whole, lacing lifelong Christian learning at the heart of how we support, resource and train across the Diocese.
Feel free to contact Hugh about:
- anything to do with Discipleship, Mission & Ministry – especially if you are not quite sure who else to ask
- arranging talks & presentations to deanery synods, parishes or local mission partnerships.

The Revd Canon Sonia Barron
Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations
07701 364419
Every one of us has a calling, something we are called to do or be through discovering our gifts and talents to meet the needs of the world and walk with God. Some of us are called to do this in a way that is licensed – lay and ordained. Contact Sonia to:
- enquire about the current processes for vocational discernment explore your vocation to Christian ministry – lay or ordained
- explore your vocation to Christian ministry – lay or ordained

Revd Lynne Smith
Warden of Lay Ministry
01522 452040
Lynne has particular responsibility for building networks of lay ministers and supporting and nurturing them in their ministries.
Please contact Lynne for:
- lay ministry roles and opportunities
- local, deanery or diocesan discernment processes for lay ministries
- selection, training and commissioning routes
- ongoing review, development, training and supervision for lay ministers
- building networks, supporting and enriching lay ministries.

The Revd Jackie Johnson
Wellbeing and CMD Officer
07590 950040
Please contact Jackie for support with:
- Care, wellbeing and flourishing for ministers and their families at all stages
- Ongoing development and training of ordained and lay ministers
- Ministry Development Review programme for clergy
- Sabbatical planning, funding for study and retreats for clergy
- Supervision, mentoring, coaching, reflective practice and consultancy opportunities for clergy

Sarah Spencer
Mission and Discipleship Officer
07375 638 635
Contact Sarah for talks, resources, networking and training for mission:
- Serving and following Christ in local contexts, work environments and daily lives
- In evangelism, growing faith, loving service, challenging injustice, caring for creation
- Deepening discipleship and building up the common good
- Grants for missional projects: Transformation Fund and Bishop’s Social Justice Fund

David McCormick
Initial Ministerial Education Phase 2 (IME2) Officer
07495 315 395
Contact David about:
the training of curates on the IME 2 programme and beyond
support for Training Incumbents, Theological Reflectors and Mentors (training triplicates)

Micki Carey-Slater
Diocesan Children’s, Youth and Families Enabler
07483 410204
Contact Micki for support with:
- Resourcing, recruiting and supporting Children, Youth & Families Enablers Training, resources and funding for CYF ministry
- Developing work with younger generations

Alice Maikuma
Administrator for the College of St Hugh
Alice takes responsibility for all administration relating to The College of St Hugh, focused on diocesan training, Mission and Ministry within the Diocese. Alice is also part of the central Parish Support Office administration team, and takes minutes for various committees.

Kerry Fieldsend
Authorised Lay Ministry (ALM) Compliance Administrator
01522 50 40 93
Kerry can be contacted about documents required for Reader and ALM authorisations and Reader and ALM reauthorisations.
For all enquiries please contact 01522 504070 or email

Jack Redeyoff
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
Jack is the Head of the Safeguarding Department; he is responsible for overseeing and advising on all aspects of Safeguarding across the Diocese.

Gemma Marks-Good
Safeguarding Advocate
Gemma provides practical and emotional support and assistance to recent and non-recent survivors of violence and abuse.

Jonny Fluck
Safeguarding Caseworker
Jonny is the Case worker for the Safeguarding Department. When the Safeguarding team receive a safeguarding concern from a parish or an individual, his aim is to offer initial support. This may be in the form of advice on the phone or by email, but may occasionally require a visit.

Lucy Rowe
Safeguarding Training Coordinator
Lucy’s role is to coordinate the delivery of Church of England core safeguarding training modules across the Diocese.

Felicity Borkertas
Administrator for the Safeguarding Team
01522 452049
Felicity is responsible for all Safeguarding Team administration, including safeguarding training, DBS checks and the organisation of meetings and core groups.
If you would like to speak to one of the Registry staff, the contact details are as follows:
The Bishop of Lincoln’s Registry, 1 The Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SW1P 3JT
Reception Telephone: 020 7222 5381
Direct Telephone: 020 7960 7198

Ian Blaney
Diocesan Registrar
Ian Blaney is the Registrar to the Bishop of Lincoln and a notary public for ecclesiastical purposes.
He is Registrar to the Bishop of Derby, Deputy Registrar of the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Deputy Registrar of the Guildford Diocese, a Governor of St Mary’s Church of England Primary School, Hornsey, a member of the Hornsey St Mary and St George Parochial Church Council and a trustee of the Friends of the Church in China. Ian acts for a wide range of charitable organisations, with a particular focus on ecclesiastical and education law. His practice extends to:-
- The establishment and regulation of charities;
- Academies set up under the Academies Act 2010, particularly in the conversion of maintained schools to academies in relation to which he has been involved in over 100 projects;
- Charity property, acquisition, development and disposal, and trusts of land; and
- All matters relating to the Church of England.