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Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership


The Diocese of Lincoln is a partner of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (LSCP).

LSCP is a statutory multi-agency partnership board whose vision is that children and young people are safeguarded, supported and their lives are improved. We can achieve this by all agencies working together.

As a partner organisation, the Diocese of Lincoln benefits from resources, up to date information and training opportunities. All of which can be found below.

LSCP Website

The LSCP website houses information and resources. Here you can sign up to their Newsletter to receive the latest updates and opportunities.

Please click here to visit the LSCP website

LSCP Training  

LSCP provides free safeguarding training via the Virtual College. This is not a replacement for the required Church of England training but is a helpful supplement for continued development and understanding for the betterment of child safeguarding in our Diocese.

Here is the training area within the LSCP website.

LSCP Campaigns

The Diocese of Lincoln seeks to support the campaigns of LSCP and partnership organisations.

Latest campaigns can be found on the LSCP Facebook and X (Twitter)