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Bishop’s Council of Diocesan Trustees

The Bishop’s Council of Diocesan Trustees (BCDT) is made up of the Lincoln Diocesan Trust and Board of Finance (which is required by Measure and is the charitable company responsible for holding the finances and other assets of the diocese and for their good steward-ship), the Bishop’s Council (Diocesan Synod Standing Committee and the body in which Synod discharges its advisory and consultative functions) and the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (required by Measure to assist is making provision for the cure of souls and pastoral supervision of the Diocese).

Broadly, it is the governing body of the Diocese responsible for setting strategy, overseeing management and protecting the interests of parishes and congregations

Role and Responsibilities

  • To advise the Bishop and Synod on matters of policy
  • To be responsible for risk management and governance across all areas of work
  • To prepare an annual report, account and draft budget to be presented to Diocesan Synod
  • To act as the Parsonages Board and maintain and manage the Parsonages Fund
  • To employ all persons in receipt of salaries from diocesan funds
  • To hold property for purposes connected with the Church of England
  • To make or assist in making better provision for the cure of souls in the diocese
  • To maintain an overview of matters relating to church buildings in the diocese and their use
  • To comply with and meet the expectations of the Code of Conduct
  • To serve on at least one of the Council’s committees

The membership of BCDT consists of ex-officio positions (like the Bishops and Archdeacons), elected representatives of the Houses of Clergy and Laity of each Archdeaconry, and also some appointed members chosen for their skills and experience.

The current membership of BCDT

Ex Officio Members

The Rt Revd Bishop Stephen Conway, Bishop of Lincoln

The Rt Revd Dr Bishop David Court, Bishop of Grimsby and Acting Bishop of Lincoln

The Rt Revd Dr Bishop Nicholas Chamberlain, Bishop of Grantham

The Ven Dr Justine Allain Chapman, Archdeacon of Boston & Chair of the DBE

The Ven Gavin Kirk, Archdeacon of Lincoln

The Ven Alyson Buxton, Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey

The Revd Canon Simon Jones, Dean of Lincoln

Canon Prof Muriel Robinson, Chair of the LDTBF

Canon Nigel Bacon, Chair of the House of Laity

The Revd Canon Martyn Taylor, Chair of the House of Clergy

Elected Members

The Revd Clay Roundtree, Boston Clergy Rep

The Revd Rachel Heskins, Lincoln Clergy Rep

The Revd Canon Julie Donn, Stow and Lindsey Clergy Rep

Mrs Alison Warrick, Boston Lay Rep

Mr Paul Davie, Boston Lay Rep

Mrs Susan Watt, Lincoln Lay Rep

Mr Paul Brewster, Lincoln Lay Rep

Mrs Ruth Brewin, Stow and Lindsey Lay Rep

Mr James Tannock, Stow and Lindsey Lay Rep

Bishop’s Nominations

Mr David Cowell, Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee

Mr David Wright, Chair of the Clergy Housing Committee

If you have any questions relating to the work of the Bishop’s Council of Diocesan Trustees, please contact the Assistant Diocesan Secretary on