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Anna Chaplaincy
Lincolnshire Rural & Agricultural Chaplaincy
Anna Chaplaincy is a person-centred and non-judgmental ministry for people in later life with strong faith, little faith or none. It focusses on meeting the spiritual needs of women and men in later life, whatever their context, at home, in residential care and within the wider community.
Every context is different, so Anna Chaplaincy is specific to the church’s response to the needs of the local community and reflect the gifts of the chaplain. Some common strands include:
- working with people in later life
- supporting relatives
- supporting staff
- people living with dementia
- working with churches and communities
- working across generations
- encouraging advocacy
Supporting Rural Ministry: Lincolnshire Rural & Agricultural Chaplaincy -
Did you know that there are now Associate Agricultural Chaplains working across the archdeaconries of Lincolnshire, supporting Revd Alan Robson in providing chaplaincy services to the rural and agricultural community? If you would like a chaplain to visit you or someone you know, then you can find contact details on the website:

Free online training and inspiration
There are many excellent training opportunities available to us now without the need to leave our desks. Many are free or very low cost, far cheaper and easier than travelling somewhere.
This new web page combines missional and digital wisdom from the Church of England to inspire and inform churches planning for the post-covid online world. There are many helpful resources in the digital universe but here is an overview, a one-stop shop, to help you see the wood for the trees.
There is also one-click access to great guides to the tech and social media and to excellent examples of online worship and mission.
The Digital Labs team also running regular Webinars.
And, to look in at any time:
Reflective Practice Groups (RPGs): ‘a sanity-protecting opportunity’
Interested in joining a Reflective Practice Group? A key recommendation in the Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing is to encourage the use of RPGs – a group of up to 8 clergy meeting no less than 6 times a year to discuss, entirely confidentially, their church leader role, and its impact upon them and their families. A facilitator with supervision and mentoring skills leads each group, encouraging discussion and reflection on life in ministry, helping clergy improve wellbeing by sharing the issues that matter to them. RPGs have been described as a sanity-protecting opportunity, through the sharing of thoughts and feelings arising from day to day challenges; it’s a chance to discuss the setting of appropriate boundaries, managing and transforming conflict situations, and the development of a healthy ministerial attitude and culture.
Set time aside to focus on yourself, alongside peers in a non-competitive, non-comparative space. The group can lessen the sense of isolation often experienced by clergy, and reduce stress and burnout. If you are interested in joining a group, please get in touch with Jackie Johnson
St Luke’s Healthcare for Clergy
This website provides specifically-prepared resources to support clergy wellbeing. It regularly updated and all the resources are available for you to use as and when you need them.
For more information from St. Luke’s contact them by e-mail or phone (020 7898 1700)
e Sheldon Hub: Doing healthy ministry together
From Sheldon: “ “It’s not just me then!” What the Hub shows is that when you are in ministry you can feel isolated, on your own and struggling with unique issues, and this on-line space provides a place to feel welcome, to support one another, and to discover that ‘it’s not just me then!’
Come and visit, because in ministry we are all in this together.
Zero Suicide Alliance: FREE Training
FREE training headed up by Rev Steve Murphy, SSM: Training developed with clinicians and people experienced people.
Key question to ask someone: Are you thinking of suicide? Are you thinking about taking your own life?
If they say yes – this reduces their likely hood of committed suicide by 80%
Explore their three training modules