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Net Zero Carbon Church Buildings

Our key carbon reduction aims

Decarbonise Energy

We will transition to using cleaner energy sources across the Diocese, which is a major way to reduce harmful emissions.


Increase energy efficiency

We’ll upgrade buildings and appliances, so they help God’s creation thrive.


Encourage sustainable habits

We will encourage behavioural change, and take small steps to heal rather than hinder the environment.


Reasons to go Net Zero

Beyond its clear environmental benefits, achieving Net-Zero is essential for ensuring a sustainable future for the Diocese—both ecologically and economically.

Reducing carbon emissions helps care for creation whilst also lowering Parish operational costs in the long term. That’s a win-win all round!

Practical steps to achieving Net Zero

Diocesan Net Zero Guidance Notes

These guidance notes have been prepared by the Lincoln DAC to encourage your parish to think about how they might apply best practice and become net zero carbon by 2030.

National Net Zero Guide

This very helpful resource, produced by the Church of England’s Net Zero programme, is aimed at helping churches lower carbon emissions by 2030.

It includes tips and tricks to becoming an environmentally friendly church.

For any future application from parishes to the DAC, you’ll need to make sure you have considered the Church of England’s environmental targets before submitting your application.

The Energy Footprint Tool Form

Every year, we ask churches to send in their data about their energy usage – called the Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) Form. This is an important step to care for creation in our communities.

The process is quick and simple and there are lots of ways to find support. Our simple guide can help you fill in your form, and this is where you’ll find the most up-to-date form to complete.

Once it’s done, it’s done for the year – and it can help provide your church with future decarbonisation grant funding (this means you will have funding for alternative energy methods that help bring balance to the natural environment).

The Net Zero Team

Chris Lynch and George Davies are supporting churches to do everything they can to reduce emissions and become more environmentally friendly. They are ready and able to help. Contact them today.

Contact details

George Davies

Net Zero Carbon Programme Enabler

Chris Lynch

Net Zero Programme Consultant