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Children, Youth and Families

Across our Diocese, we are working towards “every child and young person having a life-enhancing encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ.”

We recognise: 

  • That “children and young people can follow Jesus and be full members of the church, and that discipleship is possible at any age.” 
  • That children and young people are “integral to our churches.” 
  • “and welcome the capacity of children and young people to transform the Church and the world.”

We are looking to appoint a network of Deanery Partnership CYF Enablers to identify and respond to local needs and opportunities, and to advise, resource, train and equip those who work with children, youth and families, in church, at school or at home. 

Contact us

Micki Carey-Slater, Diocesan CYF Enabler

01522 504050

For details of upcoming training opportunities, events, ideas and resources for those working with children, youth and families, please sign up to our newsletter. 

Our mailing list is operated through the Diocesan’s Contact Management System (CMS). You can unsubscribe at any time. 

Our PADLET BOARD is a resource bank we are building up for key times, issues and activities and through the year, which can be found here 

Praying for doubling the number of children and young active disciples in the Church of England by 2030 

“You are invited to join a weekly twenty-minute online prayer gathering for Doubling the number of children and young active disciples in the Church of England by 2030. This is the first stated bold outcome of the Church of England’s national Vision and Strategy

Throughout 2023 we will have a weekly Zoom prayer gathering every Tuesday for 20 mins from 13:00-13:20 GMT. It isn’t primarily about numbers – it’s about young lives being won and shaped by the goodness, beauty and truth of Jesus. 

We know we are not the main agents in seeing this change. We believe God is. Therefore, our first commitment in seeking to double the number of children and young people is to pray – asking God for his enabling and empowering, his leading and guiding, his work to open hearts and draw young people to himself.” 

Growing Faith

Growing Faith promotes a partnership between church, school and household to enable discovery, exploration and growth of faith for all.

The partnership is imagined as intersections of a set of overlapping spheres to find and promote ways to help faith to grow with children, young people and households.

To discover more, and to access the introduction to Growing Faith webinar held on 16th March 2024, please follow this link:

Pray with Us 

Loving God, 

We bring to you the children, young people and families of our nation. 
We pray for those who are already know they are your children. 
Please protect them, bless them and keep them firm in their faith. 

We pray for those who would like to find out more about you. 
Please provide ways for them to do that and help us all to play our part. 

We pray for those who know little or nothing about Christian faith. 
Please stir up curiosity in them to find out more 
and in your mercy give them encounters with you that transform their lives. 

We pray that the goal of doubling the number of children and active young disciples 
across the Church of England by 2030 will be reached with joy. 

Please give us courage, faith and hope as we continue to pray. 
In the name of Jesus Christ, 
