
What exactly is Discipleship?
The English word comes from a Greek term that combines being a learner and an apprentice. Jesus’ first disciples followed him around, getting to know him better, learning things about him and God, how their belief should affect the way they live. Discipleship is exactly the same today, and much more.
When people turn to follow Jesus Christ, they begin a life-long journey of walking with Jesus and learning from him. This is not a journey we undertake alone: we are baptised into the company of others who are walking with us, the Church. Some are more experienced than others; some have been on the journey longer, some have been on the journey more deeply. In walking and learning together we encourage and build one another up in our faith.
A local church is the place to start. You can find a suitable church via a Church Near You, or using our Find a Church map. They are there to help us along this journey as we learn together to be faithful in worship and prayer, where we speak and listen to God and each other, study his Word, and receive sustenance in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. Church is there to encourage us and build us up in our faith, so that initial steps on the Christian journey become confident strides. Church is there to help us to focus outwards towards others, in serving them and speaking and demonstrating the good news of Jesus.
Looking for support?
If you are looking for a church, the Parish Support team can put you in touch with your local one. parishsupport@lincoln.anglican.org
If you are already a member of a church, the College of St Hugh team give practical support to parishes wishing to explore how to be more effective in encouraging members to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. The College of St Hugh team have a range of people to talk to and a range of resources and courses that are free to borrow.
For more information about how we might help your church, please contact the College of St Hugh Team on discipleship@lincoln.anglican.org