Disability And Accessibility
Barrier-free belonging
We yearn for a Church that puts equality of participation at the very heart of worship and service.
Sometimes, the structure of our physical buildings and some elements or varieties of worship can prevent people from being able to fully immerse themselves in the experience of glorifying God alongside others.
People who live with physical impairments, are blind or vision impaired, Deaf or have hearing impairment, and those who are neurodivergent, have learning disabilities or experience mental illness, can be discouraged and begin to believe they can never belong as part of a church and/or its community.
This needs to change.
17% of people in the UK live with a disability of some kind.
95% of people will experience some form of disability during their lifetime.
“The participation of disabled people in all strands of life is vital. People shouldn’t face disabling barriers that take away from their wellbeing and life opportunities.”
Quote from Livability
Have a look at some resources that can help support a wide range of accessibility needs:
Livability – A disability charity that connects people with their communities and works to build a fairer more connected society. Livability works with people in the community and in residential care – being concerned with most forms of disability including physical disability – and making connections for people who are isolated because of disability. Livability brought us the ‘More than Welcome’ initiative. They also have a course called Together For Good – A Bible study course designed to resource churches to take a community approach to wellbeing. Users can register for the course on the Livability website. The It all adds up section contains some good videos and resources.
Scope – A campaigning and advisory organisation that provides support and resources around disability equality. In a similar way to Livability, it is not limited to issues of physical disability. The Scope website has a good selection of videos.
Diocese of Bath and Wells – They have a disability inclusion policy.
Diocese of Birmingham – A Disability Inclusion page with regular blogs.
Diocese of Leeds – Contains useful materials on disability and inclusion.
Diocese of Lichfield – A series of useful webpages and links including the Churches for All and the Enabling Church courses. The Enabling Church course is written and developed by and with disabled people. It is designed to be relevant to all churches and is supported by a range of resources.
UK Networks:
Through The Roof – You can apply to become a ‘roof-breaker’, which is about ‘equipping churches and communities to become welcome and safe spaces for all’. This costs £5 a copy. Through the Roof’s website will also lead you to a course for young people to explore the values of the Paralympic Games. ‘Lasting Values’ – A practical four-session resource to explore the values of the Paralympic Games with young people ages 11 – 14 on the four values of the Paralympic Games: Courage. Determination. Equality and Inspiration.
Disability and Jesus – Their motto is ‘Join us on a pilgrim journey to find out what it means to be fully human’. The website includes some videos and an on-line community and prayer resource called ‘An Ordinary Office’. They have also provided a link to the podcasts by Rob Bell. The website includes reports on disability conferences.
Archbishop of Canterbury – The Archbishop of Canterbury’s website has videos about disability in the Church of England.
John Swinton – A theologian who specialises in Theology and Disability.
Revd Zoe Heming – based in the Diocese of Lichfield and has created a short YouTube video called ‘Called and Enabled’.
Jess McNair – A short lecture to camera on ‘What does the Bible say about Disability?’.
Stanley Hauerwas – Filmed giving a lecture on theology and disability.
Livability – Tackling the barriers that isolate people.
SCOPE – Video on the social model of disability.
Shape Arts – an introduction to the social model
Ben Myers – The Disability Conversation. A young speaker in the USA reflecting on issues of disability in a TED talk.
Disability: The Inclusive Church Resource – John M. Hull, D.L.T. 2014
The Enabled Life: Christianity in a disabling world – Rory McCloughry SPCK 2013
Widening the Eye of the Needle – Access to Church Buildings for People with Disabilities John Penton, John H. Penton
Making Church Accessible to All: Including Disabled People in Church Life – Tony Phelps-Jones et al. BRF, 2013
Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship – John Swinton SCM 2017
Additude Magazine – US based e magazine for ADHD adults
AADD UK – Site by and for ADHD adults. Research, resources, local support groups and lively forum.
ADHD UK – ADHD-led resources and research, particularly strong on guidance re work, Access to Work and PIP applications.
Delivered From Distraction (book) – John Rattay & Edward Hallowell (Ballantine Books, 2005) ADHD insight and tools, old but classic.
The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (book) – Peg Dawson (Guilford Press, 2016) A useful guide for adults with ADHD to surviving life and work. The same authors also produce guides for children and teens.
Ann’s Autism – Autism blog with insights, research and ideas re church, safeguarding, intersectionality etc.
What Works for Autistic Children (book) – Dr Luke Beardon (Sheldon Press 2022)
Autism in Adults (book) – Dr Luke Beardon (Sheldon Press, 2021) A social model approach exploring myths and stereotypes, social relationships, masking, anxiety, sensory issues, identification and understanding self, employment, close relationships and celebration
Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism (book) – Barb Cook & Michelle Garnett (Jessica Kingsley, 2018) 16 autistic women describe their experiences. Topics include identity, diversity, parenting, independence and self-care.
The Electricity of Every Living Thing (book) – Katherine May (Trapeze, 2018) Memoir. ‘A life affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds.’
Dyscalculia Association – Resources and Support for children and adults.
British Dyslexia Association – Resources and information for adults and families.
British Dyslexia Association – what is dyslexia organisation, resources for adults and children.
Inclusive Communication – Guide to help churches better include dyslexic adults.
Dyspraxia Foundation – Guidance for working with dyspraxic children.
Dyspraxic Adults – Forum for dyspraxic adults, resources, guides to support etc.
Dyspraxia: Dyspraxic Adults Surviving in a Non-Dyspraxic World (book) – Janet Taylor & Mary Morris (eds) (Dyspraxia Foundation, 2015) Kindle edition A holistic, practical guide for adults
Tourette Syndrome
Tourettes Action – Organisation, research and resources, helpline etc. Mainly children/families.
Tourettes Hero – Blog, resources, ideas from Jess Thom, artist, neurodiversity campaigner and advocate. ‘Changing the world one tic at a time’.
Neurodiversity, faith and church
Austistic Welcome Church – Welcoming and Including Autistic People in Churches and Communities – Ann Memmott.
On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith & the Gifts of Neurodiversity (book) – Daniel Bowman Jr (Brazos Press, 2021) Memoir which debunks myths about autism and calls for change in churches, by a late-diagnosed autistic Christian and professor of English literature.
Disability & Church: A Vision for Inclusion (book) – Lamar Hardwick (InterVarsity Press, 2021) Insight and ideas by late-diagnosed US autistic, black, Baptist pastor.
At the Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches (book) – Naomi Lawson Jacobs and Emily Richardson (DLT, 2022) Stories and experience of disabled and neurodivergent Christians in the UK, from those on the edge of churches to those in ministry. A call for justice.
Creative Ideas for Worship with All Abilities (book) – Hazel Bradley & Jim Cargin (Canterbury Press, 2019). Written with the L’Arche community by practitioners with more than 50 years’ experience between them! Includes creative options for many different types of minds.
Adjustments at work
Access To Work – Government-funded service to support disabled and neurodivergent people in employment. Services provided include workplace needs assessment, adjustments and funding eg for coaching, mentoring, training, tools. It Currently has a long waiting list – we recommend starting a (simple) application asap then seeking funding for interim support if needed.
Genius Within – Neurodivergent-led. Diagnostic assessments, workplace needs assessment, strengths based online tools, mentoring, coaching, organisational change.
Diversity and Ability – Neurodivergent-led. Workplace needs assessment (identifying barriers, suggesting solutions); mentoring, coaching.
Young Minds – Information covering a range of mental health issues for young people and a parent support helpline.
Mind – Information, advice and campaigning to promote good mental health for everyone.
Rethink – Rethink Mental Illness is a national mental health charity.
AnxietyUK – A UK based charity that can support you with anxiety in all its forms.
Time To Change – An anti-stigma campaign to challenge mental health discrimination.
Minded – – Free online learning on children and young people’s mental health.
Heads Together – – A campaign to end stigma around mental health and wellbeing.
Samaritans – Confidential emotional support available 24 hours a day via telephone, text and email.
Childline – Help and advice for parents, children and young people via phone and web chat.
Kooth – Online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for children and young people.
Beat Eating Disorders – Practical guidance and support for people affected by eating disorders.
Self Harm UK – Providing support and information for young people impacted by self-harm.
Papyrus – Confidential help and advice for the prevention of young suicide.
YoungMinds – Website to help Young People, Parents and people who work with young people, and there’s also a free 24/7 crisis text support for young people. Text YM to 85258
Resources for churches
Children with disabilities
Contact Martin Joy
Bishop’s Adviser on Disability
Martin is happy to speak with anyone who would like to talk everything disability and accessibility. Please call or Email him as appropriate.

Be a founding member of the Disability and Accessibility Group
Martin would like to start a group of people who wish to see best practices used in all our churches across the Diocese of Lincoln and beyond. If you are interested in being a member of such a group, please Email him.