Homily Project
The Homilies Project is a resource that originated with the diocesan Liturgical Committee to resource parishes for Sunday (or weekday) worship.
Many smaller congregations might not have regular access to a priest or reader, and so this resource was created to enable people to engage with the scriptures without a licensed and theologically trained leader.
Each week’s material is based on the Gospel reading from the Common Worship lectionary, and contains details of the day’s readings, the Gospel printed out in full, a brief homily that is designed to stimulate discussion and prayer, and some questions that you might use either to begin discussion or consider as part of your time set aside for prayer.
The homilies are written by a variety of people, including our Bishops and Archdeacons, and these may be read by Lay Leaders who are otherwise not authorised to preach. They may be used within the context of a lay-led Service of the Word or Morning or Evening Prayer. They might also be used at midweek services or study groups. We aim to post each week’s homily on the website at least a week in advance, so as to allow time for prayer and preparation.
Homilies will be added here as soon as they become available. For enquiries, please contact collegeofsthugh@lincoln.anglican.org or contact the office on 01522 504050.
The services below may be led by an appropriate lay minister, and the week’s Homily may be read and discussed. Other liturgical materials may be used as appropriate, particularly during the different seasons of the church year.