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Celebrating Racial Justice Sunday 2025 at Lincoln Cathedral

Coat of Many Colours

On Sunday 9 February 2025, Lincoln Cathedral was filled with unity and hope as it hosted a special Choral Evening Prayer service dedicated to Racial Justice Sunday.

This year’s theme was “Coat of Many Colours” and marked the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday which signifies another great step on the continued journey towards justice and equality for all.

The service

It was wonderful to see so many people reflect, pray, and renew their commitment to creating a more just and inclusive society.

The service began with a procession which included The Bishop of Lincoln followed by a group of children from Scunthorpe Church of England Primary School holding a diversity weave that they had crafted with a rainbow of colour and words such as ‘Love’, ‘Hope’ and Justice’ added to it.

The Bishop of Lincoln and the suffragan Bishops of Grimsby and Grantham, along with senior staff, trustees, and members of parishes from around the diocese, joined in the service.

In the act of commitment to racial justice, the Bishop of Lincoln, The Rt Revd Stephen Conway, said:

“Dear people of God, we stand in the shadow of the prophets crying out out for justice and peace. God calls us to be a people of reconciliation, serving a world in need.

“Courageous women and man have taken the risk of standing up and speaking out for the least and lowest.

“This work involves risking ourselves for the sake of God’s love and moving beyond ourselves in order to seek and serve Christ and one another. We are all called to the work and ministry of racial justice and reconciliation.”

“May almighty God empower you…to seek the unity that is in Christ, that we may rejoice with all God’s children as disciples of God’s son.”

There were fitting prayers throughout the service, and the Lords Prayer was even said in Aramaic by the Revd Yuce Kabakci.

The sermon

The sermon was delivered by the Revd Pauline Cummins, Rector of the Waltham Group, who spoke about her background and went on to talk about racial equality in England. She encouraged everyone to act on improving equality in our communities.

It was equally wonderful to enjoy refreshments after the service, which offered an opportunity to come together and discuss ways to continue promoting racial justice within our Diocese and beyond.

The day was a powerful reminder of our need to keep moving towards inclusivity and equality for all God’s children.

May we resolve to be advocates for racial justice wherever we live in this Diocese from Lincoln to Louth, from Grantham to Grimsby – may we welcome ALL.

Racial Justice Sunday Resources

The Diocese of Lincoln’s learning platform, Learn-Grow-Share, has a variety of Racial Justice Sunday resources which you can download for free.

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