Home / News Stories / Have Your Say About The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme
Have Your Say About The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme
A government-backed survey
A survey is currently being conducted on behalf of the Department for Culture Media and Sport to evaluate the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme.
This means you’ll be giving your thoughts about the scheme to those making decisions at a government level.
Your thoughts will help those in government to understand the outcomes and impacts of the funding on your church. It could be vital to securing further funding in the future. Moreover, it could make more people aware of the need for repairs on our cherished places of worship.
Little Steeping in Lincolnshire recently underwent some repairs which finished in October last year. The VAT has now been claimed back, saving the church lots of money. Copyright: Basil Harwood
Why the funding is important to our churches
The grant scheme gives grants covering the VAT on repairs of over £1,000 to listed buildings used as places of worship.
The scheme has supported a vast amount of churches across England. It has ensured churches in our Diocese can fund vital repairs which they may otherwise not be able to afford.
The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete. In reality, this could have drastic knock-on effects on the ability for your church to fund repairs for years to come. That’s why we need your voice.
The closing date for submissions is Tuesday 25 March 2025.
Other grants for churches across Greater Lincolnshire
Take a look at these other grants which your church can apply for. From a Quick Wins grant to reduce energy consumption, to the Transformation Fund which helps develop projects to transform lives, there are lots of other grants the Diocese offer.