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Safeguarding INEQE Audits

The Diocese of Lincoln will soon be engaging with the INEQE Independent Audit.

During this audit period there will be cover arrangements in place to ensure the continued safe running of safeguarding in the Diocese. These arrangements will soon be announced but please be assured that business as usual will be maintained.

What is the audit?

The independent safeguarding audit programme for the Church of England was commissioned by the Archbishops’ Council and is overseen by the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team (NST). Led by the INEQE Safeguarding Group.

The purpose of these audits is to make sure dioceses cathedrals and palaces are doing all they can to create environments where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

Taking part in surveys

To ensure the most productive use of time, INEQE’s approach during the independent Safeguarding Audits will be to collect information in advance of site visits. Surveys will be used to collect information from across the diocese.

These surveys will open on 25th July 2024 and will close on 25th September 2024 at 11.30pm. The surveys will go live here and will be communicated out at the time.

INEQE site visits will take place in November 2024.

Further information 

Further information from INEQE – CLICK HERE

Further information from the Church of England website – CLICK HERE

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