“There has been significant publicity over today’s report by Professor Alexis Jay which recommends ways to deliver the Church of England’s safeguarding scrutiny and service delivery through independent charities. Part of what has been said is that safeguarding standards are not high enough across the Church of England. In the Diocese of Lincoln we are confident that our safeguarding team, our systems and their application in the parishes and chaplaincies of the diocese are good. Although we are not complacent and are always monitoring our provision and looking for ways to improve our safeguarding, we reassure the diocese and especially those who are the victims of abuse that our safeguarding team is well and professionally resourced and will offer the highest quality of support as needed.”
The Rt Revd Stephen Conway, Bishop of Lincoln; the Revd Canon David Dadswell, Diocesan Secretary; and Mrs Sally Hodges, Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Committee.
If you have any concerns or anything you need to report, please call our team on 01522 504070 or email safeguarding@lincoln.anglican.org. Further contact details and information can be found here.
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