Home / News Stories / The Bishop of Lincoln’s Christmas Message 2023
The Bishop of Lincoln’s Christmas Message 2023
As we once again find ourselves in a season of twinkling lights, mince pies and presents under the tree, many of us will gather in churches to sing beloved carols, hear again the Christmas story and see the holy child lying in the manger.
Reflecting on that oh-so-familiar story, I couldn’t help but notice the quiet way in which it ends. After the drama of Mary giving birth far from home and a host of angels singing to the shepherds on the hillside, the Christmas story in Luke’s Gospel ends with Mary listening carefully to the ‘good news of great joy’ about her new-born child. Luke tells us that Mary ‘treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.’
It’s this image of Mary ‘pondering’ the amazing things that she’s hearing about Jesus that has struck me the most. ‘Ponder’ is a good word that we don’t use very often these days! To me it suggests a quiet moment, reflection, thoughtfulness. Might we all find some time to ponder the Christmas message this year? Good news of peace, joy and lives transformed by the God who loves us so much…
Pondering might seem a little too passive in today’s world, especially as we see the horrors of human violence unfold each day. And yet, what might be achieved if we all stop, just for a moment, to ponder the story of the Christ Child, who is God-with-us? Perhaps that brief moment is all that we need for the light to get in and shine through the darkness.
May the Prince of Peace bless you this year – and Happy Christmas!