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Always check with Matt or Fran before applying for funding. We keep up to date with changes to grant funding streams and can guide you as to which funder to apply to when. Remember that most funders will have a time limit within which you cannot apply for funding again. 

Lincolnshire Churches Trust

A small local funder, with lots of experience of church projects across Lincolnshire.

Contact us

Matthew Godfrey, Historic Churches Support Officer:  01522 504048

Fran Bell, Church Development Officer:  01522 504018

Church Repair Society  

Is your church a member of The Church Repair Society? If not, why not? For just £30 annual subscription, The Church Repair Society will pay for half the cost of your Quinquennial Inspection, up to a maximum of £250, provided the subscription is paid each year. This gives a potential bonus of £100. They also offer a savings scheme so that parishes can put aside regular amounts to pay for Quinquennial repairs. The Church Repair Society has been running for 40 years and its Executive Committee has a wealth of knowledge about churches in Greater Lincolnshire.

For all new Membership applications and general enquires about the Church Repair Society please contact Barry Hannington on 01472 840179 or

For all applications for Quinquennial Inspection funding and financial matters please contact David Rosier on 077565417920 or

Please click here for an Application Form and please click here for information about the Standing Order.

For further guidance on how to apply for grant funding, the following resources will be of use. 

How to Fund the Things you Wish to Do
Ducks in a row