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DAC: Diocesan Advisory Committee

The Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) is made up of volunteers appointed by the Bishop of Lincoln. There are also advisers to the DAC, who are specialists in various matters, including organs, heating and lighting, textiles and monuments. 

The DAC advise the Chancellor of the Diocese about each faculty application to help him come to a decision. It is the Chancellor who grants the faculty, not the DAC. 

The work of the DAC is administered by the DAC Secretary, Steven Sleight (01522 504069) and the Assistant DAC Secretary Peter Duff (01522 504045). They are here to help you and would rather you ask a question early on than carry on when permissions might be needed. 

This video explains more about working with the DAC, using their skills and knowledge to help with your project, when to contact them and how they can help:

Site Visits

The DAC can carry out site visits (free of charge) to discuss with you the works you wish to carry out. These are best carried out early in the process to avoid costly changes or delays. Contact Steven or Peter to request a visit. 

Meeting Dates

Please note that the DAC Agenda closes a fortnight before the meeting. This is to allow the advisers time to review the casework before the meeting and to ask any questions. The dates of the agenda closing and the meetings for the next year can be found below. 

Meeting DateAgenda Closes
Wednesday 5th June Wednesday 22nd May 
Thursday 4th JulyThursday 20th June 
Wednesday 4th September Wednesday 21st August 
Wednesday 2nd October Wednesday 18th September 
Thursday 14th November Thursday 31st October
Wednesday 18th December Wednesday 4th December

DAC Members and Advisors

The DAC comprises a chair, the archdeacons of the diocese and not less than 12 other members who are experts in their own fields – and who offer their skills on an entirely voluntary basis: 

The Revd Elaine Turner – Chair 

The Venerable Gavin J Kirk – Archdeacon – ex officio 

The Venerable Dr Justine Allain Chapman – Archdeacon – ex officio 

The Venerable Alyson Buxton- Archdeacon – ex officio

Mr Carl Andrews – Architect 

Ms Rhiannon Clarricoates – Conservator 

Mr Graham Cook – Architect 

Ms Sarah Harrison – Conservation Officers Nominee 

Mr Lee Holmes – Historic Buildings Consultant 

Mrs Susan Leadbetter – Laity and Vice Chair 

Mr Chris Mackintosh-Smith – Architect 

The Revd Lorna Brabin-Smith – Clergy 

Mr Richard Taylor – Heating and Electrical 

The Revd Kevin Dyke – Clergy 

Mr Adam Kelk – Laity 

Professor David Stocker – Joint Amenity Society Nominee 

In addition, the committee has advisors to assist in areas of specialist knowledge: 

Dr Ed Swain – Clocks 

Dr Nicholas Bennett – Books and Manuscripts 

PC John Manuel – Security 

Mr Paul Hale – Organs 

Mr Tom Küpper – Stained Glass 

Ms Susan Lee – Paint 

Dr John Lord – Monuments      

Mrs Mary Sleigh – Textiles 

These advisors are also available to assist parishes and give their time and advice free of charge. The members and advisors are willing to visit churches to meet with the PCC and discuss requirements and ideas prior to detailed schemes being drawn up. This initial contact is important to ensure that PCCs have the best advice possible and that time and resources are used to best advantage in the faculty process. There is no charge for such visits.  

Amenity Societies

In certain circumstances, parishes may be asked to consult one or more of the Amenity Societies. Generally, the DAC will inform you if this is applicable.

Here are some links to further information.  If there is anything else you would like to see, let the team know and we will try and add it in.