Generous Living & Giving
The Generous Living Team is here to support you as you seek to resource the work of the church in your parish, deanery or LMP. We are here to support you in a number of ways, with particular focus on:
Enabling Generosity
including the Parish Giving Scheme, giving reviews, legacy giving and online & contactless giving
Encouraging Generosity
including the theology of Christian giving, developing a generous culture and embedding generosity
Meet the Team
The Revd Simon Dean: Generous Living & Covenant Lead
Simon leads the Generous Living Team, in particular on the delivery of the Diocese’s Generous Living Strategy, as well as focussing on the theology of generosity and how, as Christians, we can respond to our generous God. As part of A Time to Change Together, Simon has also been leading on the change from the old formula-based Parish Share system, to the new Covenant Pledge Scheme, enabling churches to work together to support one another with the provision of stipendiary ministry within LMPs as an expression of our generosity towards each other. Additionally, Simon is Priest in Charge of the parish of Waddington.
Hugo Cobham, Generous Living Advisor
Hugo supports parishes with creating the best environment in which to encourage generosity, in response to God’s generosity to us all. His work focuses particularly on good giving practice, through building trust with givers/potential givers, communicating the need for giving and the impact that it will have, and advising on the range of different mechanisms, (such as contactless, online, Parish Giving Scheme, legacies etc) to make it easier for people to give to the church. Hugo is also your contact in relation to your parish’s Covenant Pledge.
Andy Wright, Generous Living Advisor
Andy supports parishes and LMPs as they seek to develop generosity in all its forms; as an expression of our discipleship and in response to God’s generosity. His work focuses on an holistic approach to developing a culture of generosity, covering areas such as time, skills, talents, and hospitality, as well as money. Andy welcomes invitations to meet with clergy, parish officers, LMP leaders and anyone in a position to encourage generosity in their church.
Generous Living Newsletter
We produce a quarterly newsletter for PCC treasurers and clergy, providing news and updates on issues relating to developing generosity. If you think you should be receiving this but have not, please contact us.
Useful Links
Parish Buying
Through the bulk buying power of the Church, Parish Buying is able to negotiate competitive prices with suppliers across a range of products. All of its suppliers undergo a careful selection process so users can purchase safe in the knowledge that there will be no catches or hidden surprises. Parish Buying manages the contracts too, and provides ongoing support from its customer service team.
This page provides a host of resources to help you plan for Generosity Week 2024. These include:
- Newsletters
- Prayers
- Preaching Resources
- Resources for children
- Liturgy resources (including services of the Word, Eucharist, Morning and Evening Prayer
- Gospel study resources
- Promotion and marketing resources