Generous Church Culture
As Christians, and disciples of Christ, we believe in a generous God, who longs for us to share his generosity with others. A generous life is therefore a hallmark of our faith and a testament to it, as the more generous we are, the more we reflect the generous God we believe in.
A generous culture is also essential for a church to develop a sustainable ministry. That generosity can be expressed in many different ways. It is not only about financial giving, but then financial giving is part of living generously. To cultivate a generous culture, there are four areas we need to focus on:
Inspire people through generous leadership and celebrating generosity within the life of the church.
Disciple members, through resources, teaching and learning ,so people can grow in an understanding of God’s generosity towards them, and how they can live generous lives.
Embed generosity in the life of the church, in its plans, services and ministry and weave it into everything the church does.
Activate generosity, by providing opportunities for people to grow in generosity and apply what they have discovered.
Understanding how to grow a culture is critically important. This is not about delivering a series of initiatives, but about changing our way of being and behaving. It requires patience, commitment and determination and above all prayer. Leadership is crucial, but this is something that all need to be committed to so that we become the generous community we are called to be.

There are many ways in which we can develop as a generous community, and many actions we take which help in this. If your parish would welcome further support in developing generosity, please contact the Generous Living Team