Ready For School Fund
Donations Urgently Needed!
Every single donation makes a difference to a child’s quality of education in Lincolnshire. We urgently need additional funds to make sure every child has an opportunity to thrive. Please donate to the cause – thank you:
Children deserve the basic essentials that they need to be able to learn and thrive. The Ready For School fund supports schoolchildren who are lacking the things they need, such as books, uniform and stationary, in order to be fully present and fully included in school work and play.
Head teachers use the funding so that they can get Items for children which might include: revision booklets, coats, school uniform or PE kit, lunchboxes, cookery ingredients or art or maths equipment.

The fund is guided by an awareness of the effect on a child of being unable to participate in school activities alongside their peers because of belonging to a family living in poverty.
Our prayer is that funds will continue to meet the very real social needs in our schools and witness to the generosity of God through His people.
Donations Urgently Needed
Every single donation makes a difference to a child’s quality of education in Lincolnshire. We urgently need additional funds to make sure every child has an opportunity to thrive. Please donate to the cause – thank you:
Apply For Funds
The ‘Ready for School Fund’ is:
- for small grants of no more than around £100 for individual children
- not to be used for such things as could reasonably be expected to come out of the pupil premium grant
- administered by the Diocesan Secretary, the Diocesan Director of Education and the Vice Chair (clergy) of the Diocesan Board of Education.
Applications must be on forms downloadable from the Board of Education website.
For further details contact: