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Parish Safeguarding Officer

What is a Parish Safeguarding Officer?

The Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) is a crucial connection between the wider diocese and local parish when it comes to safeguarding requirements.

They oversee and ensure safeguarding policy is being followed in all parish church activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Who Supports the Parish Safeguarding Officer?

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) holds responsibility for safeguarding and must support the Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO).

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team is here to support all Parish Safeguarding Officers across Lincolnshire and provide training, information, guidance and opportunities to network.

Each Deanery Partnership also has a Parish Safeguarding Networking Meeting.

Training Portal

Complete mandatory learning.

Parish Dashboard

Keep track of safeguarding in your church as well as local and national safeguarding changes. 

Safeguarding Hub

Carry out Safer Recruitment and People Management.

Essential Guides

PSO Pack

Full of contact details, resources and information to assist you in your role.

Parish Safeguarding Handbook

Comprehensive national advice and recommendations for good safeguarding practice in your parish or church.


Safeguarding Concerns

Please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team if you have a safeguarding concern:


Tel: 01522 504070


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Safeguarding FAQs

Safeguarding Training Q: What training modules do I require for my role within the Church?  A:…

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DBS and Safer Recruitment

Safer Recruitment and People Management is the umbrella term given to a number of processes that…

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Safeguarding Resources

Please find below a number of additional resources you may find useful. Related resources

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Safeguarding Resources